English courses at Hringsjá

Hringsjá is offering courses taught in English. Click on the name of each course for more information.

The course titled „What are your character-strengths“ is scheduled to commence on February 10th and last session will be on February 18th. Each session will begin at 14:10 and conclude at 15:40, totalling five sessions. The course will take place at Hringsjá, Hátún 10d.

The course titled „Self-compassion“ is scheduled to commence on April 28th and last session on Tuesday 6th of May. Each session will begin at 14:10 and conclude at 15:40, totalling five sessions. The course will take place at Hringsjá, Hátún 10d.

The signup fee is 22.000kr for each course. For those that want to pay online:

SSN: 540987-2549

Account Nr.: 0111-26-036935

You can also pay for the course at Hringsjá’s office.

We’ll contact all participants a few days before the course starts.

If something is unclear please contact us at hringsja@hringsja.is or by phone at 510-9380.